Civil engineering construction is generally concerned with moving steel structures in barrages, shipping locks, or movable bridges. For the operation of these components, Montanhydraulik has for decades been one of the leading suppliers of hydraulic cylinders with complete drive and control systems, as well as turnkey installations.
Montanhydraulik places emphasis on the manufacture and commissioning of hydraulic cylinders with diameters up to 1000 mm, and lifts of up to 20 m, as well as the associated hydraulic aggregates and control equipment for the actuation of lock gates.
In addition to the manufacture and supply of hydraulic cylinders and aggregates, Montanhydraulik also provides complete worldwide servicing of the pipework, installation, followed by commissioning through Montanhydraulik personnel.
Our range of services is rounded out by the development of automatic flow regulation systems, which make possible the automated movement of dam gates, and can control sequential barrage systems in combination.