3. Important individual regulations
Combatting corruption and money laundering
Corruption prevents progress and innovation, distorts competition and can severely damage Montanhydraulik. This is why Montanhydraulik objects to and combats all forms of corruption.
It is prohibited to influence decisions by granting benefits of any kind. This applies with regard to both officials and employees of other companies and other establishments in Germany and abroad.
Corrupt behaviour is often directly linked to the granting of contributions from business partners and to business partners (invitations, gifts, donations, etc.). This situation is thus subject to special requirements. These can be found in the anti-corruption directive.
Money laundering is understood to be the introduction of illegally earned money or illegally acquired assets into the legal financial and economic cycle. Montanhydraulik combats any form of money laundering and takes precautions so as not to be implicated in money laundering situations.
Fair competition and procurement
Fair and free competition is subject to the protection of national and international competition and anti-trust laws. Infringements against competition and anti-trust law are prosecuted worldwide by anti-trust and law enforcement authorities and can lead to sanctions amounting to several millions that threaten the existence of the company and exclusions from calls for tenders for participating companies and to significant sanctions for managers and employees.
Montanhydraulik wants to impress customers and the market through the quality of its services and offer these at competitive prices. We are committed to fair competition and reject inadmissible anti-competitive agreements.
Montanhydraulik maintains various business relationships with suppliers and service providers. These relationships put Montanhydraulik in a position to offer its own services at a competitive price. Montanhydraulik thus chooses suppliers and service providers carefully exclusively according to their capability and reliability.
Detailed regulations for the behaviour of Montanhydraulik in competition can be found in the competition directive.
Prevention of conflicts of interest
Montanhydraulik is dependent on the services of its employees in everyday business. Successful business activities are thus only possible when the employees act within the spirit of Montanhydraulik. Montanhydraulik trusts that all employees make their decisions exclusively on the basis of objective criteria and do not allow themselves to be influenced by personal interests and relationships when making business decisions.
If, on an individual basis, conflicts of interest between the personal interests of employees and the interests of Montanhydraulik nevertheless arise, these must be disclosed by those affected to their superiors. The respective superior investigates the conflicts of interest and decides on how to handle these, if necessary while involving the Chief Compliance Officer of Montanhydraulik.
Fair employment
Montanhydraulik commits to fair employment conditions and combats undeclared work and other illegal employment of employees. Illegal employment conditions can jeopardise legal jobs and prevent the creation of new legal jobs.
The protection of children is part of a key anchor of international human rights. Montanhydraulik commits to these fundamental rights and rejects all forms of child labour.
The employees of Montanhydraulik can only provide the services required from them in a safe working environment. Every employee of Montanhydraulik is thus obliged to abide by the regulations for occupational health and safety.
Protection of company assets and confidential information
The company assets of Montanhydraulik are used to achieve the business objectives of Montanhydraulik. They may exclusively be used for operational purposes; use for external purposes is expressly prohibited. Montanhydraulik expects its employees to handle company assets with care and in the interests of Montanhydraulik. Every employee is responsible for ensuring that company assets are not damaged, misused or wasted.
Montanhydraulik possesses valuable expertise and extensive operational and business secrets. This knowledge is the basis of our business success and so the protection of this is particularly in the company’s interests. Confidential information may not be misused by employees for their own use or illegally passed on to third parties.
Montanhydraulik acknowledges the intellectual property of competitors and business partners without reservation. Every employee is obliged to keep expertise and business or operational secrets from third parties confidential and only to use them within the framework of their business-related disclosure.
Data protection and data security
Special legal regulations exist to protect personal data. Montanhydraulik commits, without restriction, to the observance of these regulations. Personal data of all kinds must therefore be protected carefully from unauthorised access and misuse.
Information technology (IT) and electronic data processing (EDP) are an essential part of everyday working life at Montanhydraulik. However, they harbour a variety of risks. Montanhydraulik takes these risks very seriously in its own interests and in the interests of its business partners and combats corresponding weaknesses immediately upon becoming aware of them. The employees of Montanhydraulik are obliged to familiarise themselves with the applicable IT/EDP regulations and take into account the requirements contained in them.
Equal opportunities, equal treatment and mutual respect
We acknowledge the principles of respectful, fair and loyal conduct towards each other. In particular, the principles of equal opportunities, equal treatment and mutual respect play a primary role in this. All employees are offered equal opportunities at Montanhydraulik upon being hired and as part of their further employment. Montanhydraulik rejects all kinds of discrimination and takes steps against this. No one may be discriminated against or harassed due to his background, gender, sexual orientation, religion or ideology, disability or age. Instead, we expect our employees to treat each other in a tolerant, polite and respectful manner and to thus contribute to a productive and pleasant working environment.
Conduct towards business partners
Montanhydraulik works with its business partners trustfully and on a business foundation that is fair for both sides. Montanhydraulik also expects law-abiding and honest conduct from its business partners. Within our supply chain, we require the observance of our applicable standards, which are summarised in the directive on the involvement of suppliers, subcontractors, sales consultants and other third parties (“third-party directive”).
In particular, suppliers, subcontractors, sales consultants and other third parties of Montanhydraulik are obliged to acknowledge the code of conduct for subcontractors and suppliers and other contractual partners of Montanhydraulik and abide by the regulations set down in this.